At GD Goenka High School, our unwavering commitment to the well-being of our students encompasses a comprehensive approach to healthcare. We prioritize Medicare and Student Safety & Security to create a secure and nurturing environment. A key component of our commitment is our dedicated medical team, consisting of full-time Doctors and supplemented by on-call services available 24-hours a day on the campus. Our infirmary, well-equipped with medical facilities and a stock of non-prescription medicines, supported by our medical team provides timely and effective care for our students. At GD Goenka High School, we take pride in giving top priority to the health and safety of our students, fostering an environment where they can flourish with confidence and security.
The school Medical Staff consists of a Doctor and Nursing staff , who are available l 24 hours a day on the campus. The school has adequate medical facilities and a supply of non-prescription medicines.
GD Goenka High School
GD Goenka University,
Sohna Road, Gurugram-122103
Call us: +91-9513631473
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